Immigration News: June 25, 2024

In today’s immigration news: Impact of Biden administration restrictions on asylum at the border; racist “replacement” theory and lies about non-citizen voting; more.

The Biden administration restrictions on asylum seem to be decreasing the number of border crossings and arrests. That policy change, in combination with the Mexican government’s continuing crackdown on migrants, means more people waiting on the Mexican side of the border to try to get appointments through the CBP One app. Shelters on the Mexican side of the border see problems: more migrants needing shelter, more need for help, and lack of food and hygiene supplies to meet the increasing need.

[Seattle Times/AP] “The number of arrests by Border Patrol agents of people illegally crossing into the United States fell in May to the third lowest of any month during the Biden presidency, while preliminary figures released Thursday show encounters with migrants falling even more in the roughly two weeks since the president announced new rules restricting asylum.”

[Border Report] “The Rev. Juan Fierro has seen the migrant population grow by more than 50 percent in the past two weeks at Good Samaritan – the city’s second-largest church-run refuge. ‘We went from 40 people one day to 70 the next. The more people you have, the more food you need, the more utilities are used,’ he said.  

“The increase coincides with the White House threat of closing the border to asylum-seekers who cross between ports of entry when Border Patrol daily encounters exceed 2,500 in a week. It also comes as Mexico continues to pull from cargo trains migrants headed for the border, and authorities in Juarez preventing large groups from gathering at the Rio Grande.”

And in other news

Liars and irresponsible commentators keep spouting “replacement theory” and “non-citizen voting” memes. Here’s a quick round-up of facts debunking these lies. 

[Americas Voice] “There is zero evidence of any plot of non-citizen votes to influence elections despite numerous and massive investigations, including by those leading the accusation. “There’s no evidence such voting has ever happened on any significant scale,” Axios reported. “Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting,” the Brennan Center stated. “Election officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections,” likely due to the severe penalties that non-voters can face, including fines, prison time, and even deportation. Even the proponents that peddle the myth of non-citizen voting have been unable to find any evidence despite their repeated claims. 

“Yes, perpetuating the debunked myth of non-citizen voting can be a coded reference to the white nationalist replacement theory. The idea of noncitizen voting has been widely disproven, and promoting the myth at this point only contributes to the bigoted conspiracy that there is a group inside the United States that threatens our democracy.”

President Biden’s parole in place plan does not create new voters. Immigrant spouses of U.S. citizens would still have to wait years to apply for citizenship, and would not be eligible to vote for Biden.

[Washington Post] “About half a million undocumented U.S. residents are expected to be eligible for the program, which also necessitates having resided in the country for at least 10 years. (Nearly two-thirds of the country’s undocumented population had lived in the United States that long, according to 2019 data from the Migration Policy Institute.) Once granted residency, immigrants could apply for citizenship five years later.” 

According to a White House fact sheet, refugee admissions during Fiscal Year 2024 will reach 100,000. The fact sheet credits measures such as rebuilding the refugee resettlement infrastructure and creating avenues for private individuals and groups to sponsor refugees.

[White House] “The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program is rebuilt and stronger than ever. This fiscal year, the United States will resettle more than 100,000 refugees, the most in three decades. The unfortunate reality is there are many more refugees who are still overseas and in need of resettlement. As we look ahead, the Administration encourages Americans to consider directly supporting and welcoming refugees into their community through the Welcome Corps. You can team up with others in your community, apply to sponsor a refugee family today, and welcome them into your community this summer.”

Fake journalist James O’Keefe targeted San Diego Catholic Charities, saying that it is a smuggling organization. That’s absolutely untrue. But his lies have led to serious threats to the organization and its employees, as well as protests blocking access to buildings used in its work.

[Catholic News Agency] “Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego CEO Vino Pajanor told CNA that the ongoing chaos, which includes protests and harassing messages, has been a shock even to workers who have served at the organization for decades.

“’They have never seen something like this,’ he said. …

“’Matthew 25 calls us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, and visit prisoners,’ he said. ‘That’s our faith and that’s our belief. And we are doing exactly what Jesus calls us to do.’

“’We are here to serve the community,’ he said. ‘Why are they targeting us?’”

About Mary Turck

News Day, written by Mary Turck, analyzes, summarizes, links to, and comments on reports from news media around the world, with particular attention to immigration, education, and journalism. Fragments, also written by Mary Turck, has fiction, poetry and some creative non-fiction. Mary Turck edited TC Daily Planet,, from 2007-2014, and edited the award-winning Connection to the Americas and AMERICAS.ORG, in its pre-2008 version. She is also a recovering attorney and the author of many books for young people (and a few for adults), mostly focusing on historical and social issues.
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